Merry Meet!

Welcome to Mama Witch's Blog.

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Thursday, 29 April 2010

Bumps, Mums & Dads

Hubby & I went to the local "Bumps, Mums & Dads" Group today.

Run by the local sure start centre we have signed up for a FREE 4 week course in parenting basics.

Everything from how Dad's can bond with their bubas to what breast milk is made from :o)

I felt the first pangs of "bump-envie" as we entered the room to find 4 other couples all of whom were in their last trimester - lol! but I have all that to look forward to....

Friday, 2 April 2010

Booking In

Another milestone reached....

I had my booking in appointment with my Midwife who was really lovely. she went through a lot of the options which are available to me and I came away feeling very positive about the whole thing.

I'll get seen again in week 12 for my Nuchal Scan...

Can't wait to see the little bean again :o)