Merry Meet!

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Sunday, 28 February 2010

Testing, Testing

With my period now 5 days late and not a pre-menstrual cramp in sight we tested again (this time with a "First Response" test not a "Tesco" own brand one)

I couldn't watch whilst the liquid crept slowly across the view panel of the test, I kept trying to convince myself that I didn't mind what the outcome was, and that it was unlikely to be positive after having got a negative result only a few days before.

The minutes seemed like hours as we both waited...

"Well what does it say?" I ask Hubby,
"It's got two lines!" he says.

I am sure he wasn't even sure himself if that was a good thing or a bad thing to start with.

I, the strong, empowered female, made an utter fool of myself by squealing like a piggy and then bursting in to tears...

Friday, 26 February 2010

Birthday's & Baby Blues

Today is Hubby's birthday (he's 39) and as there is still no sign of Aunt Flo we decided to do a test.

So after the awkward wait (whilst I'm sure all he can think is "she just peed on that stick!") we look only to find that it is NEGATIVE!!!

What a blow to our birthday excitement, I was truly gutted but we just told ourselves that we had just been too busy this month and that we would give it another go next month.

We went out to Wagamama's for diner with the little lady in tow who ironically pointed out that it should be called Wagapapa's today for her Papa's birthday.... Out of the mouths of babes :)

Wednesday, 24 February 2010

Over Due & Over Excited

My period was due today and nothing has happened yet :) fingers (and legs) crossed...

Friday, 19 February 2010

Keeping Busy

There has been plenty to distract us from our baby making mission this month.

Aside from the day to day stuff like work and school and shopping all 3 of our cats have had to go to the vets to be "done" (we spent a large part of last summer with 7 kittens running around the house and don't really want to repeat that experience), we also have a Valentines meal to go to with friends and it's Hubby's birthday on the 25th.

Before the birthday celebrations though I am off to enjoy a weekend retreat in the New Forest with 20 or so other Pagan friends and I can't wait for the chance to relax and chill out.

Monday, 1 February 2010

More Disappointment

My period started......

But in an effort to take something positive away from this I tell myself that at least I was bang on the date I was due according to the hormonal forecaster which must mean that since stopping the pill my cycles have settled back to normal again which must surely raise my chances of conception in the future.